Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Clifford Wayne Hunter: What you should you know.......

January 5th, 2011


CLIFFORD “WAYNE” HUNTER of Houston, TX and others, apparently no longer Legally owe my children and myself. How about MORALLY and ETHICALLY??
My late husband; my children’s father’s life insurance funds were swindled from us by Clifford “Wayne” Hunter & Robert E. Ward, Jr. And their companies!!!

                   (Check 234th District Court of Harris Co., TX - Records-1990-03213)

This is in hopes of protecting others from being SWINDLED and deceived.

When my husband died, 25 years ago (June 4th, 1985), my investments from his life insurance benefits were well diversified. Our children & I lived comfortably off the interest generated by   mutual funds, etc. I also had two small contracts in oil/gas drilling, with Clifford Wayne Hunter et al, dated October 15th, 1985 and March 19th, 1986. These 2 contracts did not generate any income. I did file them with the local County Clerks office in Fort Stockton, TX.  “Wayne” Hunter was not happy at all. He told me that it wouldn’t look right that a woman invested in his project.

I remarried 25 months after my husband’s death. Three months after the marriage, the Stock Market collapsed (October 1987). “Wayne” Hunter had been a purported trusted friend. (Anything else with him would have utterly repulsed me!) He requested that I come to his friend’s bank on Fannin St., in our Houston, TX, Medical Center, where this ‘friend’ was the President of the bank. I met Robert E. Ward, Jr. Both persuaded me to allow them to liquidate my Mutual Fund account, while I still could get my $600,000.00 out. I was hesitant; yet very trusting of both. I had known “Wayne” for about a year before my husband died, threw business acquaintances.

Robert E. Ward, Jr., liquidated my Mutual Fund acct. in Massachusetts on November 6th, 1987, with a simple call, followed by a letter to the Liquidation Department. This brought along 2 more contracts. These latter 2 contracts were to match the principle of $600,000.00, along with the 10% interest that it generated each month for us. #3 contract dated October 28th, 1987; the 4th contract dated December 3d, 1987. These men & their companies now had about $900,000.00 of our money. And they kept their word of $6,000.00 per month, as replacement income, however, for only 6 months. The checks from Robert E. Ward, Jr. completely stopped with the June 1988 payment of $6,000.

Once “Wayne” (as he preferred to be called) Hunter had most all my money, and had learned of my marriage, he began to threaten me; and then my husband, once he moved to the US. My husband remained in his Country for about 8 months or so after we married. “Wayne” Hunter, on having all my money, that was to take care of the children & myself, told me, “You aint getting your money back!” I am not certain how or when he became god?? “Wayne” Hunter also threatened me, “If you bring that ‘jack-ass’ out to my ranch, neither of you will go back to Houston/Cypress alive!” Again playing god. I was horrified. My money was out in his 26,000-acre ranch, and I understand that I was the single largest investor, and not allowed to see how my money was being used!

I visited this ranch a number of times, until one day, he became most indecent with me. I chided him concerning this. He laughed! In fact, he humored himself with playing immature pranks on his worker, planting pantyhose in the fellow’s duffle bag, so the wife would get angry! He also left a $100- tip for a waitress at a coffee shop. We only had a cup of coffee each! I asked him about this?? He informed me that she had kids and no husband. Well, I did too, at the time! And indeed I hoped that my money wasn’t being frivolously spent in this manner! He informed me also that people looked at him as being eccentric; and a genius. He is certainly an absolute genius of a swindler. This is my opinion. I am not certain as to how this Robert E. Ward, Jr. fits in?? I was astounded by his lies on Court Record. Dates were incorrect. His Bank was already failed; when he claims contracts were signed with me! He has such as 1988; not 1987! I don’t think his bank was even open any longer! And I sure didn’t know where he lived!

Also, after having had our money, “Wayne” Hunter began only speaking to me vulgarishly. As if he was some demonic processed person. And at one time lured me to a hotel to be indecent with me (while letting me believe it was to discuss my money and possible pay-out).  My physician was utterly appalled & encouraged me to call the police! It is much too much to get into on a Blog. 

I obtained what was called an Agreed Judgment, on July 9th or 10th (both dates are stated??) 1991. I was unable to be there. I was on bed rest from two recent major abdominal surgeries; with complications. I understand “Wayne” Hunter was not there either. I am not sure what my lawyer was thinking; or whom he was representing?? He let go of ½ of my principle! He stated to me that most people don’t have that much money! I am not certain either, how he was comparing me to others, and minimizing what we actually had!? My husband worked offshore or overseas for most of our married life.

I didn’t receive a penny on the Day of Judgment. The original Judgment stipulated treble damages. This was a treble damage suit. Some elements were Fraud, Deceptive Trade Practice, Breach of Contracts, etc. The amount was a minimum of $3 Million Dollars + owed. My lawyer also asked me what Mr. Ward meant by “her hands are not clean in any of this.” I have asked Mr. Ward in a Certified Letter, dated August 4th, 2009, what is that supposed to mean.  He has NEVER answered.  I ask again, “What does this mean Mr. Ward?” Also, on March 8th, 2006 (the very last time I spoke to Clifford “Wayne” Hunter on the phone), I asked “Wayne” how did Mr. Ward become released from obligation to this debt of owing my children & myself? “Wayne” informed me that he (“Wayne”) had to decide which was more his best friend,
Cherie (me) or Robert E. Ward, Jr. He told Mr. Ward he would pay me back! Is this business professionalism?? Or a Junior High deal?? At least he was no longer telling me he was going to kill me!  After March 8th, 2006, I have spoken several times a month on the phone to Mr. Burgert concerning monthly money. The last time I spoke to him was September 4th, 2010.  I have faxed “Burgert” a number of times since that date.  I have let them know I need our money. He had been promising a bigger income stream (and total pay-out) for a very long time. Sept.4th, 2010, Burgert let me know that in 45 – 60 days, I would have at least a bigger income stream. I have at least 16 voice mails indicating payments made or would be made.

I located “Wayne” Hunter, in early 2000, while residing with a now late aunt. I sent a letter to an address on County Fair in Houston, TX. “Wayne” called me. He said, “Who loves ya?!” I let him know that my children and I had to walk away from our home of 15 yrs. due to a unscrupulousness of a ‘Failed S & L”; and I had not my funds to fight legally any longer. As “Wayne” & Ward had all of our money! He had the nerve to ask me what I did with my money!?! It must have been for the benefit of whoever was in the room with him, at the time! They had all of our funds!

Not a penny was received after June 1988 check from “Ward”.  Nor even a penny in July or August of 1991, even though, verbally my lawyer informed me that these “Wayne” & Ward would pay within 30 days of the Agreed Judgment. This NEVER EVER HAPPENED! In fact, “Ward” was released of obligation to owing us! I no longer had money to pay Counsel.  I also am not certain what kind of lawyers I have ever had, here in Houston??? It is only on advisement from previous Counsel that I post this.

In early 2000, “Wayne” Hunter began to pay me little bits of money…a couple hundred $$$ here and there, by Western Union. It did increase over the years. To last payment date of September 2010,  “Wayne” Hunter and lawyer, Raymond F. Burgert, Jr. had wired to my Wisconsin bank account typically each month for a number of years, a total of about $290,357.55.  A far cry from even the amount they owed on their Agreed Judgment, which to September 1st, 2009, my accountant tabulated $3,854,804.00. ( owed on ½ the principle they swindled)

I am not certain what our Judge had going on, when he signed the ORDER proffered by Burgert’s law partner on October 1st, 2010. This released  “Wayne” of all obligations to my children and myself. It apparently was ok for us to be swindled out of money that was to take financial care of us. “Wayne” Hunter & Robert E. Ward, Jr., obviously believe it is ok to steal a dead man’s money, that was intended to take care of dead man’s family! I just am not sure how they or their family members or others could possibly view them as MEN. My children & I & others DO NOT! What is this called?? Bullying is when a bigger older kid takes unfair advantage of younger, perhaps frail kids…. what is this action called???

This “Agreed Judgment” was renewed on June 1st, 2001. I felt confident that my Houston Counsel had done everything correctly. I found out in about latter 2003 (from “Wayne” Hunter himself) that he no longer owed me! It was too late to do anything! The lawyer did not properly renew the Judgment (as was to be done every 10 years to preserve it); only filed liens in 9 various counties in Texas. And “Wayne” informed me that I would not get a cent of my funds if I took it back to court! He laughed at me on the phone! (I was living up North at the time.) This is a REAL MAN. I got on the phone, with my elderly relative; he called “Wayne” and encouraged him to pay Cherie her money! From this and a number of other calls, “Wayne” has stated on court documents (of another) that I am a widow who is Black Mailing him; and this relative is a Ring Leader for a “Mob”.
“Wayne” Hunter is so very Creative! And he let his wife & others believe that I am chasing him! In fact, one of his workers asked me why I didn’t get a job?? ” Hello!” He had led people to believe that he felt sorry for me and was taking care of me!! (With his money!)

On attempting to renew the Agreed Judgment for the next ten years, I called the District Court, here in Houston. I asked what was needed. The clerk advised me that indeed the “Judgment” was dormant. I needed a lawyer to “Revive” it.  I got the lawyer to do just that. Now unless there are filings or some other hindering factor (unbeknownst to us), MYSELF & OTHERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THE COURT ALLOWED SWINDLERS OFF THE HOOK???!?!?!

Last year, Mr. Burgert let me know, that “Wayne” was going to pay me all that he owed me the following spring. This year, he informed me that it would not happen this year. It has always been 2 months, or 6 weeks, or next year, or 2 weeks. I had been very patient & respectful. In Court, on September 27th, 2010, was the first time that I heard that what “Wayne” was paying me via the monthly wire transfers of Burgert’s, were GIFTS! I am just astounded!

And “Wayne” always had such confidence in his lawyer, Burgert (President of KSM, Inc. in Bellaire, TX.) also Burgert claimed there was nothing cynical in “Wayne”…. let the readers decide about all of them. All people who have known me are quite simply appalled; and also disillusioned with the Court system.

They are presently marketing and selling a magnetic apparatus in Europe, The Caribbean and Africa, as it is not FDA approved; only European Union approved.  These apparatus are supposedly manufactured in Fort Stockton, TX. 

Cherie Kay George


281.768.1997 cell.